Dog Thumbs | Creators of Custom Made Furniture and Interior Designers
Dog Thumbs produce custom made furniture and are creative, original interior designers and stylists. Offering unique bespoke furniture and creative homewares throughout Australia; they are both commercial interior designers and manufacturers of unique one off pieces. The team are artistically minded and talented creators. Based on the Gold Coast and in Victoria, these artisans offer skilled expertise in home decor, design and style. They use the latest in 3D modelling software to bring your ideas to life.
Custom Made Furniture Gold Coast, Bespoke Furniture Australia, Custom made furniture Australia, Interior Designers Australia, homewares, custom made furniture on the gold coast, Commercial interior design Company, commercial interior designers, creative homewares gold coast
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About Us

Established in 2005, Dog Thumbs has withstood the test of time to become one of the leading upholstery and design companies on the East Coast.

From it’s humble beginnings over ten years ago, to it’s thriving multi-state family that it is today, DT has gone from strength to strength over the

past few years, bringing with them the experience and attitude to last the distance.

With the addition of the Audiochair brand and the opening of it’s Melbourne showroom, Jim, Chris and Aaron are excited to welcome the newest dog,

Shane to the team. With an extensive business background and an acute eye for detail, Shane is the perfect addition to the Dog Thumbs kennel.

The team at Dog Thumbs are passionate about their work. They love what they do which can be seen in the end result of everything they do.

 “We love to be challenged. We are all about solutions-not problems.”

The old saying goes…’ If my dog had thumbs, he could do anything…..’